Saturday, March 25, 2023 | Uncategorized
I use games in my piano lessons. Not every lesson, but I think games are a great resource, and I'm going to talk about why:
1. The music games we play in our lessons are pedagogically sound. When we are working on a specific concept, playing a game means we can go over the learning, I can check understanding, and the repetition isn't boring, it's fun! My students are embedding the new skill or information without even realising.
2. Games mean we can explore concepts in different ways so that it can appeal to the learning style of any student. If we match the learning style to the student, they understand better, and learn faster.
3. Think about how easy it is to sit still for 30-45min and stay concentrated on one task for the whole time? Even adults can find that hard. Switching topics and activities keeps the brain engaged and keeps concentration going.
4. When we're enjoying ourselves, we're engaged and ready to take in new information. Games also mean that students can often discover a new concept through exploration, rather than just being 'told', and this helps the information stick better!